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Regularmente, los Abogados de Lesiones Personales de Kuzyk Law y su personal llevan a juicio o buscan acuerdos en cientos de casos. Estos incluyen leves controversias que se solucionan pagando los límites mínimos de responsabilidad, que en California equivalen a $15 000 en accidentes de automóvil menores. Por otro lado, se alcanzan arreglos de millones de dólares cuando ocurre un grave accidente en automóvil, motocicleta o bicicleta, un accidente peatonal o por resbalón y caída, y muerte por negligencia. Generalmente, atendemos múltiples casos durante la semana laboral.

En los casos en los que hay muchas lesiones significativas y facturas médicas por pagar, obtenemos, regularmente, acuerdos de 6 y 7 cifras. Luchamos duro por nuestros clientes, y siempre hacemos todo lo posible por lograr su máxima recuperación.

M.I., Palmdale, CA

$15,477,235 Verdict

Our client was a passenger in a vehicle driven by a drunk driver, and he suffered catastrophic injuries including the complete loss of vision in his left eye, broken bones in his face and jaw (which had to be completely reconstructed), a fractured hip and ankle, loss of his spleen, a collapsed lung, a traumatic brain injury, and was in a coma for 3 weeks, was hospitalized for two months and stayed in a rehab facility for 8 months to re-learn how to walk and talk. The defense argued that our client was 100% at fault for his injuries as he knew that the defendant driver was intoxicated and got in the truck anyway. The jury actually awarded over $20 million but the verdict was reduced by 25% due to the jury’s assessment that he was 25%S comparatively negligent. The Court also awarded our client $1,070,000 in attorney’s fees because the negligence took place during the commission of a felony DUI.

A.J., Palmdale, CA

$834,650 Verdict

Our client was struck when the defendant pulled out of a parking lot and struck her passenger side door. The impact triggered what is known as Chiari Malformation, a congenital defect regarding the hole at the base of the skull where the spinal cord goes through down the spine. When triggered, the cerebellum of the brain falls down through the hole into the space that is only to be occupied by the spinal cord. This causes immense compression on that part of the brain resulting in debilitating migraines and impairment of brain function, requiring brain surgery to repair the issue. Before trial, the insurance company refused to tender their policy limits of $100,000, and its final offer before trial was only $19,948. Consequently the carrier became responsible for the full verdict because it could have settled within the policy limits and chose not to do so.

L.K., Lancaster, CA

$197,395 Verdict

Our client was rear-ended on Pacific Coast Highway and suffered injuries to his neck and low back, with numbness and tingling down his legs. He also suffered incontinence for a period of time. He incurred medical expenses of just over $32,000 and sought future medical care of $95,000, which the jury awarded. The jury also awarded $70,000 for past and future pain and suffering. Before trial, the insurance company’s last offer was only $25,001. Consequently the carrier became responsible for the full verdict because it could have settled within the policy limits of $100,000 and chose not to do so.

M.H., Lancaster, CA

$45,434 Verdict

Our client was struck on the left rear when the defendant driver fell asleep and drifted into our client’s vehicle.  The defendant then left the scene without stopping or calling law enforcement.  Our client’s ride share passenger obtained the license plate of the defendant’s vehicle and the police tracked her down.  Our client’s medical bills were only $5,343, but she ended up losing her car that she leased from the ride share company as a result of the accident and being unable to make the lease payments.  Our client and her 3 children under age 10 ended up being homeless and lived in a rental car for 6 weeks until she got back on her feet.  Before trial, the insurance company only offered $7,500 and the carrier became responsible for the  full verdict because it could have settled within the policy limits of $15,000 and chose not to do so.

R.V.H., Lancaster, CA

$1 million Settlement

Our client was walking home from school alongside the road when the defendant, who was 15 and unlicensed, struck him from the rear at 55 mph.  Our client suffered a traumatic brain injury.  The insurance policy limits of the vehicle that struck our client were only $50,000, but Kuzyk Personal Injury & Car Accidents Lawyers was able to take steps to invalidate the policy limits and the carrier paid the settlement amount.

N.G., Lancaster, CA

$755,000 Settlement

Our client was rear-ended on Pacific Coast Highway and suffered injuries to his neck and low back, with numbness and tingling down his legs. He also suffered incontinence for a period of time. He incurred medical expenses of just over $32,000 and sought future medical care of $95,000, which the jury awarded. The jury also awarded $70,000 for past and future pain and suffering. Before trial, the insurance company’s last offer was only $25,001. Consequently the carrier became responsible for the full verdict because it could have settled within the policy limits of $100,000 and chose not to do so.

Abogados de Lesiones Personales de Lancaster

Kuzyk Law, LLP tiene oficinas en Lancaster y Los Ángeles. ¡Es la única firma de abogados de lesiones personales de Lancaster, Palmdale y el Antelope Valley que ha manejado exclusivamente reclamaciones por lesiones personales por más de 45 años!

Somos Abogados Locales dispuestos a atenderte día y noche. Hemos servido a la comunidad por más de 45 años y ayudado a más de 100 000 clientes, obteniendo cientos de millones de dólares en acuerdos a favor de ellos. Después de 45 años, realmente sabemos cómo maximizar el valor de su caso, y conseguir hasta el último centavo que usted se merece.

Realmente nos importan nuestros clientes. Luchamos cada caso como si el cliente fuera nuestro pariente cercano, y los abogados de accidentes ofrecen un servicio personalizado, cara a cara. Nuestros abogados de lesiones personales pueden ayudarle con las referencias y los servicios médicos, por lo general, sin necesidad de pagar por adelantado. Esto le permitirá recuperar su salud y volver a trabajar tan pronto como sea posible.
Abogado local que ofrece servicios Personalizados,
Cara a Cara
Luchamos por conseguir el tratamiento médico que usted necesita, de forma rápida.

Nuestros abogados han establecido relaciones con médicos, juristas, jueces y tribunales locales. Ninguna firma de abogados en Lancaster, Palmdale o el Antelope Valley ha resuelto más casos de accidentes que Kuzyk Law.

No permita que una compañía de seguros se aproveche de usted y reduzca su compensación. No confíe en aquellas firmas de abogados nacionales que lo único que hacen es remitir su caso al anunciante que pague más.

Si usted ha sufrido una lesión personal en California, nuestros abogados de lesiones personales pueden ayudarle inmediatamente.

PROTÉJASE y proteja a su familia. Llame al 661-945-6969 para obtener una CONSULTA SIN COSTO inmediatamente. ¡Sin compromiso!


Descargue esta guía para llevarla en su guantera.

Si No Puedes Venir a Nuestra Oficina

Lo entendemos y estamos aquí para ayudar. Nuestros abogados de lesiones personales pueden acudir a usted y reunirse con usted en su hogar u hospital para hablar sobre su accidente automovilístico, accidente de motocicleta, mordedura de perro, accidente de bicicleta, resbalón y caída u otra lesión personal.